School Uniform
School uniforms are available at Lowes Premium Quality Schoolwear, you can visit Lowes Westfield Shopping Centre, Knox or shop online.
Lowes has the required uniform items.
The Brandon Park Primary School uniform is considered to be the most suitable and versatile clothing to meet the many and varied demands made on clothing throughout the course of any school day. We expect every student to wear this with pride.
Please note only that Lowes is the only store with official uniform supplies.
* Terms 1 and 4: School SunSmart Hat, sunglasses (optional but encouraged) and sunscreen.
Please note – coloured nail polish is not acceptable nor are fashionable gel nails.
Green polo with gold panel
Green polo
Culottes or skort
Additional items
Bomber jacket
Green wide brim hat
Black school shoes or runners
White ankle socks
Green polo with gold panel
Green polo (short or short sleeve)
Culottes or skort
Bootleg pants
Track pants
Additional items
Bomber jacket
Polar fleece sleeveless vest
Green beanie
Black school shoes or runners
Green tights or white ankle socks
School backpack
Raincoat / parka