NAPLAN Results 2023
The Box and Whisker Graphs below provide valuable insights into our performance relative to the State and National benchmarks. The data underscores our students' remarkable achievements, consistently surpassing both State and National averages in all domains.
Our students' learning success is attributed to a comprehensive set of factors, including:
A commitment to the principles and methodologies of the Science of Learning and Reading, informed by rigorous research and practice.
The consistent application of teaching practices across the entire school, underpinned by the continuous implementation of Explicit Direct Instruction (EDI), which aligns with the insights drawn from the Science of Learning.
The strategic implementation of a well-structured Response to Intervention (RTI) Program, featuring multiple layers of support.
Classroom-based support embedded within the Inquiry Cycle framework of our Professional Learning Community structure.
Targeted small group and one-on-one interventions conducted by trained educators and Education Support staff.
A unified, whole-school staff that not only embraces but also deeply understands the research, principles, and practices associated with the Science of Reading, fostering a shared commitment to student success.
Year 3 - 2023 NAPLAN Results
Year 5 - 2023 NAPLAN Results
Due to changes in NAPLAN this year, we are unable to assess year-on-year growth for cohorts; however, we are still able to compare our data to that of similar schools (schools with a similar socio-economic makeup), network schools (schools within our network), and the state average.
We are exceptionally proud of this year's NAPLAN results as we have received higher scores in all areas when compared to similar schools, network schools, and the state. The table below shows the percentage of students who scored Exceeding or Strong in NAPLAN for each respective assessment.
These outstanding results are a credit to the hard work of our students, our diligent teaching staff, education support staff, and intervention staff for the educational experiences they provide our students every day, and our parents/caregivers for the support they provide our students at home so they can come to school prepared to learn.