Information for Parents
Useful Links
The Resilience Project delivers emotionally engaging programs to schools, providing practical, evidence-based mental health strategies to build resilience and happiness.
Watch this space.
Keep up to date with current programs, events and news by downloading the schools monthly Newsletter!
Qkr App available on the App Store
Please use the Compass app to advise the school office of any child absences whether it be due to illness, appointments, family holidays or other reasons.
This is available on the Apple App Store and Google Store
Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund (CSEF)
Afterschool Chess and Coding Club
Chess is the original and enduring "thought sport" played throughout the world and has many benefits for young people. These include improved cognitive skills as well as self confidence and resilience. With coaches who rank among the best players in the country our chess programs are tailored to suit the needs of all abilities.
While many jobs of the future are yet to be even imagined the future of work undoubtedly points in the direction of the technology space. This coding course will introduce students to the world of coding in a fun and engaging way. Experienced coaches will guide students through a series of hands on lessons with real world applications.
Contact Kids Unlimited for bookings
Phone: 1300 424 377 | Email: info@kidsunlimited.com.au | Website: www. kidsunlimited.com.au
Mondays 3:30pm - 4:30pm for Chess and Fridays 3:30pm - 4:30pm for Coding
TeamKids Before & After Care, Vacation Care
TeamKids is the premium provider that exists to enrich children’s lives before school, after school and throughout the school holidays.
Before & After Care Available Here!
When attending TeamKids before and after school care, your children are in remarkable hands. Our full-time Director of Service is highly experienced in the field, and their number one priority is fun – your child will love the experiences we have on offer every day at TeamKids.
When children join our team, not only are they able to explore their world through our designated activity zones and TeamKids Clubs, but they’ll get to connect, collaborate and learn with others in a supportive and nurturing environment that fosters their individuality and own unique interests.
They’ll also enjoy an incredible menu, jam-packed with nutritious and delicious food. One thing is for sure, your child will not go hungry.
From the moment you walk through the door, TeamKids provides an atmosphere that is welcoming, relaxed and inclusive. At every opportunity, we aim to promote child agency and help to shape their innate leadership skills through a variety of in-house leadership opportunities and fun, engaging rewards programs.
We offer industry-leading educator to child ratios, resulting in safer, better supervised experiences for all involved.
All our programs are fully approved under the National Child Care Subsidy (CCS).
We’re excited and look forward to welcoming you to the TeamKids Family.
To find out more, register or book, click here
Hyperlink: https://www.teamkids.com.au/venues/brandon-park-primary-oshc/