Year Three at Brandon Park Primary school represents an exciting phase of transitioning from the junior school to senior school. During this year, Year Three students are presented with a range of opportunities that enable them to develop and extend their learning.
In Year Three, students enjoy a daily one hour reading session designed to enhance their decoding skills, enrich their vocabulary and expand their general knowledge. These important skills empower students to better understand, question and thoughtfully examine complex texts that relate to the History, (Vikings, Ancient Rome) Geography (Australia) and English (Literature – Wind in the Willows) curriculum. When it comes to writing, through the Write to Learn (w2L) program Year Three students build on their ability to write different types of sentences – simple, compound and complex. They do this by using techniques such as appositives, subordinating conjunctions and transition words while writing pieces linked to what they have learned in Reading. As they become more proficient in these skills, the students' progress towards creating high quality paragraphs and complete pieces of writing.
In our daily PhOrMEs lessons, the Year Three students continue to excel in more complex spelling rules, including patterns like ‘ti’ and ‘ci’. They also delve into the morphology of English and explore the influence of Latin and Greek root words on our English language.
In Year Three, mathematical concepts and skills are thoroughly taught across all three curriculum strands, with a strong emphasis on cultivating automaticity and fluency. For example, in the domains of Number and Algebra, students receive explicit instruction on strategies of all four operations and are given ample time to practise their number facts through daily lessons, weekly reviews and engaging games with peers. Once they exhibit a deep understanding of concepts taught and their foundational skills are considered proficient, students then apply this mathematical knowledge through reasoning and problem solving.
Year Three is a crucial time for fostering wellbeing and emphasising social and emotional growth. Each week, our students dedicate time to develop essential skills like empathy, gratitude and mindfulness (GEM). These wellbeing sessions encompass a variety of activities ranging from independent activities focused on critical thinking to small group or whole class interactions.
We set aside special occasions, such as Friendship Day where we celebrate our relationships and engage in enjoyable activities that strengthen existing friendships and create new ones.
One of the highlights of Year Three is undoubtedly the Year Three camp. This experience involves a two-night, three-day adventure away from home during which students participate in a diverse range of indoor and outdoor activities alongside their teachers and peers. The camp encourages independence, resilience, teamwork and provides valuable preparation for future camps.
Year Three truly is the place to be!