Welcome to Brandon Park Primary School
Embracing the spirit of learning.
A message from our principal,
Sheryl Chard
Hello Everyone!
I warmly welcome you to Brandon Park Primary School. I am extremely proud to be Principal of such a progressive and high achieving school.
The staff here are genuinely dedicated, nurturing and innovative, the students receptive, motivated and caring and the parent community highly supportive and positive. I consider it an honour and privilege to welcome any child to our school.
We are committed to developing students’ individual intelligences and capabilities, whilst mastery of literacy and numeracy is at the very core of all that we do. We operate on a simple premise that all students can learn and succeed in acquiring the knowledge, skills and behaviours for life and work in the global knowledge economy.
Children who commence school in 2022 are not likely to enter the workforce until round 2034-2035! What a daunting yet wonderful responsibility to partner with parents at the start of such an incredible experience!
We believe our school has a futuristic framework for learning whereby all children will have the opportunity to be confident, connected, actively involved lifelong learners. We embrace values and principles that see the child as a whole person in an ever-changing world.
We are delighted that our first tour date for 2022 is now available. Places are limited so please book here as soon as possible. Enrolments are still very welcome. Please visit the enrolment page for our form and further details.
We are enormously proud of the students, staff and our community.
I look forward to showing you around our School. I hope you will experience the distinctive warmth in the atmosphere and the tangible sense of community.
Sheryl Chard
Message from the Principal
I am delighted to be able to extend a very warm welcome to Brandon Park Primary School. Our school is diverse, dynamic and crackling with energy, expertise, optimism and unashamed ambition for every child who enters the school gates.
Our commitment is to ensure the needs of the children always come first. We prioritise their learning and wellbeing above all else. Our students develop an innate excellence, in an environment that is fuelled by explicit, carefully focused instruction that elicits a natural curiosity for the world around them. Amazing things happen every day! Inspired, outward and forward thinking teachers, (and Education Support staff), guide our students on their learning journey and ensure the development of well-rounded, knowledgeable and confident students.
I am thrilled to be part of Brandon Park Primary at this exciting time in its history. Our school is fifty years old this year and although this is much cause for celebration, it is the solid research around the Science of Reading and Science of Learning that has fuelled the passion and desire to learn more for all staff. To borrow a quote from Maya Angelou, ‘When you know better, you do better’.
In late 2018 we embraced the evidence-based scientific research around best practice for teaching and learning, particularly the Science of Reading. We made a conscious decision to follow the research of cognitive scientists, linguists, speech pathologists and educational psychologists, changed our practice, challenged our mindsets and embarked on this new journey. The results we see in our students’ reading and comprehension and now their writing is amazing. We are constantly astounded! We are now applying this learning to the teaching of Mathematics.
Because our practice is so explicit and the children’s understandings are regularly checked throughout a lesson we are inclusive. Children with special learning needs and those whose first language is not English thrive at our school.
We meet the needs of all our students and although I have focused on the academic, our students’ wellbeing is of equal importance. Please explore our website and learn some more about us. Even better, book a school tour and see for yourselves.
I am a very proud principal and would love to share our ‘not-the usual’ practices with you all.
Warmest wishes,
Sheryl Chard