Welcome to
Brandon Park Primary School

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School Tour Dates
Tuesday 25 February 2025
Monday 24 March 2025
Thursday 24 April 2025
Wednesday 14 May 2025
Tuesday 17 June 2025
School tours are for parents & carers (not aimed at children) and you should only attend if your child is due to attend school in 2026 as are unable to take enrolments for future years.

“At the heart of our culture lies a curriculum renowned for its exceptional quality, comprehensiveness, and inclusivity. We diligently incorporate evidence-based teaching methodologies to cultivate intellectual engagement and encourage a profound sense of connection among our learners. Our classrooms serve as nurturing spaces, providing unwavering support to empower individuals on their educational journeys. We wholeheartedly embrace the richness of diverse cultures and learners within our school community, actively acknowledging and appreciating their unique contributions.”
We are a community of learners, committed to personal excellence in every respect. Our students are nurtured and challenged to maximise their learning potential. We are committed to developing students’ capabilities, whilst mastery of literacy and numeracy is at the very core of all that we do. We operate on a simple premise that all students can learn and succeed in acquiring the knowledge, skills and behaviours for life and work in the global knowledge economy.
We understand that our students face a future that will be very different, in unimagined ways, from the present. They will need to be flexible and cope easily with diversity and ambiguity. They will be expected to work in innovative ways as members of professional learning teams, actively researching their practice and contributing to the growth of these teams. The problems that they will encounter in other learning contexts will require cross-disciplinary thinking and complex problem-defining and resolving skills.

Student Voice and Agency
At Brandon Park Primary School, we believe that student voice and agency are critical in providing our students with the fundamental goals to achieve and grow as learners. This means that students will be empowered to take ownership of their learning, make purposeful contributions to their learning environments, and tackle issues arising in the world around them.
Well understood student agency is about an increased student commitment and focuses on their learning which has been shown to demonstrate higher goal setting, improved concentration when facing difficult tasks, an increased ability to plan ahead and less likelihood of giving up when situations become challenging. To build and attain the outlined benefits of student agency, the school provides Explicit Direct Instruction so that all students are continually challenged and supported through our rigorous and stimulating learning sequence. Our wellbeing focus is strongly aligned with this academic approach and explicitly instructs students in the regulation of their emotions, the development of behaviours consistent with resilient people and respect for others in our diverse school and the wider community. We believe that when students are empowered with the necessary skills and content for both academic life and happy and healthy relationships, they will begin to broaden their questioning and further their sense of agency and independence throughout life.
Our student voice and leadership program are influenced by the idea that students not only have a voice at our school but have the power to influence change. We provide various opportunities for our students to collaborate and make decisions with adults to ensure that students and staff work in a safe and secure environment where all can thrive. In our early years, students are encouraged to impart their voice through our class norms and routines. This is built upon by all teachers ensuring students perform various roles within the classroom and school, demonstrating responsibility and respect. As the students move into the middle and senior school, we provide further leadership opportunities, such as the Green team, Student Representative Council and Student Leaders Program in Year Six. These opportunities allow students to demonstrate influence in some of the following ways:
Coordinate sustainability days such as Clean Up Australia Day
Run the school-wide recycling and composting programs, including education for classes
Maintain vegetable gardens and beautification of the school
Coordinate social justice programs such as our Book Drive for the Australian Literacy and Numeracy Foundation
Assist in the running of whole school events, such as Sorry Day, Cross Country, Footy Day and many more
Liaise with principals and teachers for weekly assemblies
Survey students and staff to gain data or feedback about school processes
Run commemoration services such as ANZAC Day and Remembrance Day
Help review school documents that relate to the school culture, for example, the School Oath or House System.
We firmly acknowledge that all students at Brandon Park Primary School possess student voice and agency and this is actively encouraged from the first day of Foundation until the last day of Year Six. We know that all students can lead by example through their everyday talents and behaviour, which begins with a simple ‘hello’, ‘please’ and ‘thank you.’
Our values define who we are
We show:
Collective Teacher Efficacy, when teachers believe in their impact, is the “new number one” influence on student achievement
We invite you to our Literacy Open Morning to see firsthand how literacy is taught across our classrooms.
☕ Join us early! A coffee van will be on-site before 9:00 AM, so feel free to purchase a coffee before the session begins.
9:00 AM – Welcome and introduction, including an overview of the morning and distribution of maps showing classroom locations.
9:15–11:00 AM – Classroom observations. All year levels will be engaged in literacy instruction, providing an opportunity to see Explicit Direct Instruction, Phormes, Write2Learn, and Read2Learn in action.
11:00 AM – Return to the allocated space for a presentation by our literacy leaders, followed by a Q&A session.
This is a great opportunity to gain insight into our literacy programs, teaching strategies, and student learning in action. We look forward to welcoming you!
Opportunities to observe our Literacy Block in action during 2025 are below;
Tuesday 6 May 2025
Monday 4 August 2025
Space is limited - if you attempt to book and can’t access a ticket, it means that there are no spots available. More information will be provided closer to the Literacy Open Morning.

At Brandon Park Primary School, we acknowledge the people of the Bunurong Nation who are the traditional owners and custodians of the land on which our school is situated, and we pay our respects to their Elders past, present and emerging.